Tour Basics

artist and new grandma...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Syd here....

I will be updating for Earl and Cueball.

Earl has gone 557 mi as of DAY 1, and is in Sparks Nev. He had a $5. prime rib across from his motel, that has a hole in the ground for a pool.
He stopped at Mojave dessert.
Looking at the snow on the mountains while it was 100 degrees,

He has gone from sea level to 8,563 feet at Deadman's Sumit.

He paid $4.25 a gallon at Lee Vinig, CA.

Tomorrow is the longest day then he will meet up with Susan Hester.

1 comment:

Cameron Talley said...

Great pics...I'm glad those of us stuck at home can live vicariously through you!